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What are my Birthstones? 3 years ago

The month of your birth determines which gemstones are associated with you and your birth stones color. Each month, you are associated with one or two birthstones depending on the month of your birth; if you’re born in February, you have access to both the amethyst and the aquamarine as they belong to February birthdays in both the traditional and revised gemstone lists. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about your birthstones so that you can finally understand what those January babies are talking about when they talk about their garnet birthstone!



Wearing your birthstone provides you with good luck

The month your birthday falls in is said to determine your birthstone. Many people wear their birthstone for good luck and protection. This could be for a variety of reasons, but it’s commonly believed that wearing an heirloom stone from an ancestor will bring good fortune, like ensuring you have prosperous days to come or protection from curses, evil spirits and bad luck. Some people also believe that wearing a stone set in a ring on your right hand brings good fortune; some say it helps with fertility, while others think it's linked to being able to drain other people's negative energy away from you. Some stones are believed to bring both happiness and money when worn together in a piece of jewelry. Below is a list of month birthstones and what they mean


Wearing your birthstone brings health

The ancient origin of birthstone traditions can be traced back to a Greek physician and astrologer named Proclus who in 434 BC advised people to wear gemstones corresponding with their star signs. The idea is that gemstones have healing powers, so if you wear them, they’ll bring good health. For example, if you were born under Gemini on June 21, then your birthstone is emerald. This month of June celebrates our summer solstice and there’s no better time to bask in all things green and Emerald.


All about February

Each month has a specific birthstone, which is determined by its corresponding month. So if you were born in February, your birthstone is amethyst. As a general rule of thumb, each month's gemstone is derived from either precious or semi-precious materials that make up those stones. January's garnet and September's sapphire are examples of semiprecious birthstones (although if you were born after 1960, your sapphire may be lab-created rather than natural). Amethyst and citrine are also both considered semiprecious stones; however, as March's aquamarine and October's tourmaline can attest to, not all gems used for birthstones fall into these categories.



All about March

March’s birthstone is aquamarine. Aquamarine symbolizes trust, friendship and loyalty. It is a stone of protection from danger and brings good fortune to those born in March. Aquamarine can be found in yellow, green or blue shades. In ancient times, it was believed that Aquamarine could change color according to weather conditions. If clouds appeared over an ocean when someone wearing Aquamarine gazed at it, it meant fair weather and calm seas would follow. Henceforth, many sailors wore Aquamarine to protect them from evil spirits of sea storms and bad weather during long voyages on their ships around the world's oceans.


All about April

Deep Blue Amethyst - The April birthstone is amethyst, which was historically worn to honor Saint Joseph and protect against nightmares. Deep blue amethysts symbolize wisdom, peace and sincerity. In ancient times, it was said that holding an amethyst could help you achieve your goals in life, reduce anxiety and ward off bad dreams. It was also believed to make you wiser if you slept with one under your pillow at night. Today, some people use amethysts as a way to get over addictions or bad habits; they believe that carrying an amethyst can strengthen willpower. Amethysts have also been known to bring about feelings of tranquility for those who wear them regularly.


All about May

The month of May is a time of beginnings and endings, new life and old memories. This month we celebrate Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, as well as weddings and graduations. The fresh buds that emerge in May represent new beginnings for those born in August or September. If you were born in April or May, your birthstone may be a diamond – but only if you were born after 1940! In 1938, De Beers began stockpiling rough diamonds from all over Africa to ensure an adequate supply to satisfy worldwide demand during World War II. Therefore, diamonds from any source prior to 1939 could be used only for industrial use during wartime and not for jewelry making.


All about June

The natural birthstone for those born in June is Pearl, a variety of calcite. The title 'Mother-of-Pearl' refers to mother-of-pearl, a substance similar to nacre, an organic (or sometimes mollusk secreted) mineral that's used in jewelry making. Nacre is closely related to mother of pearl. However, nacre is more valuable because it's iridescent and found only in a few species of mollusks - mainly abalone and conch shells. Mother of pearl is created by conches, but pearls themselves can be cultured from several other shellfish such as mussels or oysters.


All about July

July is a unique month in terms of birthstone colors. On one hand, July’s color is clear and bright—but on another, it’s not as easy to peg down to a specific hue. If you were born in July, your gemstone could be any one of several varieties of quartz crystal that range from yellow to brown. We can confidently tell you that one thing July birthstones aren’t is red—that honor belongs to ruby and garnet. Whatever its true color may be, if you were born in July (or if someone close to you was), chances are good that there's at least one piece of jewelry out there for her with her birthstone already set inside!


All about August

The birthstone for August is Peridot. Peridot is a gem that comes in a variety of colors, but most notably in an olive green. It is also sometimes known as Olivine. While it may not be popular enough to be called an exotic or rare gem, it’s still pretty cool. It is often mistaken for jade because of its similar color and texture but has a much more affordable price point than other stones used in jewelry like jade and opal.


All about September

The birthstone for September is sapphire, and sapphires come in a variety of colors. Yellow and orange sapphires are more common than pink ones, but it's not too hard to find a quality pink sapphire. Sapphire was discovered in India almost 5,000 years ago, although it wasn't widely used for jewelry until about 100 years ago. Ancient Egyptians were among the first to carve sapphires into rings as well as ceremonial masks. The ancient Greeks believed that sapphires provided protection from harm by absorbing destructive influences and keeping them out of one's life.


All about October

October is a great month for birthstone shopping. For example, many people are born in October, so you can use your gemstone as a gift to celebrate their birthday. Additionally, 10/10 (Oct. 10) is Gem Day, which is an opportunity to learn more about gems and their properties. While looking at available birthstones can help you pick out a perfect present or reward yourself with something nice, there’s another way that helps even more: picking out a birthstone that’s also lucky! So make sure to read on and discover which gemstone will work best for you or someone else.


All about November

When it comes to birthstone jewelry, most people think of December as one of the most popular months. Sapphire is among a handful of birthstones that have been given to more than one month. This precious stone is November’s birthstone. Along with a number of other gems and minerals, sapphire belongs to one of two categories known as corundum – a crystalline form of aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Sapphires that occur naturally in colors such as yellow or pink are considered fine gems.


All about December

December is a wonderful month for birthstone gifts. It's celebrated for Winter Solstice, Christmas and Hanukkah, with December birthstones matching all three holidays' themes. The top December gemstone is opal. Found in all colors of the rainbow, opal makes a great addition to almost any piece of jewelry but especially those with silver tones. The second-most popular December birthstone is turquoise. While not as universally beloved as opal, there's no denying that turquoise has long been associated with royalty and wealth throughout history. And at GemSelect, we love its rich blue color which looks stunning against snowy white winter landscapes.